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Admissions Process


The Admissions Process 

At Brookview, we are all about meeting each individual family’s needs. The Admissions Process at Brookview includes several steps to ensure that our school is a good fit for your child and that your child is a good fit for our school.

Educate Yourself
The first step in applying to Brookview is to familiarize yourself with the school, and the Montessori approach to education to determine if this is the right educational style for your family.

Schedule a Zoom Meeting
We are happy to schedule a meeting for you with our Executive Director. This is a relaxed conversation where you can find out about our school and Montessori philosophy, and ask any questions you have.

Schedule a Tour
Tours may be conducted with or without your child present. 

Complete an Application
When you are ready to enroll, a completed application form must be submitted with a $75 non-refundable application fee. Receipt of your application and application fee does not guarantee placement.

Download Our Application Form

Enrollment Review and Response 

New applications are reviewed within two weeks of initial receipt, and placements are made as appropriate openings occur. If a place is not immediately available, your child's name will be kept in our wait pool. As openings become available, we will consider applicants from the wait pool.

For Infant, Toddler, and Primary programs, admissions and placement decisions are made by the teaching and administrative staff, and no interview is required for Infants and Toddlers.  We will always make sure your child is able to visit the classroom before the first day of attendance. We do require a visit for Primary age students. 

For Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, and Middle School programs, admissions decisions are made by the Elementary/Middle School Program Admissions Committee and an interview/visit with the prospective student is required for students without two years of previous Montessori experience. 

Deposit and Contract 

Once your child is admitted, the office will prepare an enrollment agreement and tuition and fee statement. A $1000 enrollment deposit (which is applied to your tuition) is due upon signature of these documents, and will reserve your child’s space in the classroom. 

Tuition can be paid in one lump sum, over a 9-month period , or over a 12-month period. Monthly plans are processed through the FACTS Tuition Payment Plans. Once your child is admitted, our finance department can help you set up the account online. FACTS charges a one-time $50 fee for this service.

If you are interested in financial assistance, we have a Tuition Assistance Program available. It is also administered through FACTS, and an application is made online after enrolling.

Once your child is admitted, our Office Manager will be happy to meet with you to go over the various forms and documents that are required by Brookview and the State of Michigan.

Learn About Volume Discounts, FACTS, and Tuition  Assitance   

Admissions Considerations

Brookview Montessori School welcomes and considers all applications, and we continually seek to maintain a diverse population of students. Brookview Montessori School seeks to admit students and families who share and support our educational goals and values.  We do not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, marital status, height, weight, gender identity or sexual orientation, as well as children with moderate exceptionalities provided the school and family agree placement would be appropriate.