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Healthy Eating Initiative

The Brookview Healthy Eating Initiative was established by the Brookview Board of Directors to:

  1. Enhance the healthfulness of snacks being provided to our students through the Slow Snack Program.
  2. Educate parents about healthy lunch options.
  3. Ensure school-sponsored events and activities better reflect our school’s commitment to wellness.

What is Slow Snack?

Slow Snack, developed by a group of Brookview parents, draws inspiration from the Slow Food movement. Founded by Italian journalist Carlo Petrini in 1986, Slow Food is a non-profit organization formed as a reaction against fast food. The worldwide movement stresses healthy, natural, local, sustainable food and food systems. At Brookview, parents, students and teachers provide or prepare the daily snack, considering healthy options.

In addition to healthy sustenance, Slow Snack gives students the opportunity to practice the Montessori principles of grace and courtesy in the preparation, serving and enjoyment of the snack.

How is the Slow Snack Program Managed?

Slow Snack is volunteer led and executed by Brookview families who are responsible for providing the daily snack for all students within the Toddler, Primary, Elementary, Middle School and After School programs. Reimbursement for funds is available upon request by the volunteer.

How does the Slow Snack Program operate?

At the beginning of the school year, volunteer opportunities are shared with parents. A listing of guidelines along with themes and related foods for each day will also be furnished. Each volunteer will update a Google calendar with the actual snacks provided. This calendar will be used to ensure the snacks offered meet the program criteria and that a variety of snacks are served throughout the month. Any substitutions from the guidelines must be approved by the Slow Snack Committee.

In addition, classrooms will sponsor slow snack for themselves throughout the year offering the opportunity for students to learn, cook and enjoy healthy snacks.

Read Our Healthy Eating Initiative and Slow Snack Brochure

Health Eating Initiate Slide Show

All Fruit Preserves Recipe